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2014 » Октябрь » 02
In Season. Wayne Jacobsen Book Description The farmer knows not to look for grapes in spring, nor lament the barrenness of winter. Each season is critical in making his vineyard fruitful. The same is true for you. Fruitfulness is part of a cycle that includes promise and hope, perseverance and struggle, and even rest and refreshing. If you don't know how God works through various seasons in your life you can end up unknowingly resisting him instead of embracing him in a greater process. When Jesus wanted his followers to understand what it meant for them to be fruitful he took them to a vineyard and showed them how they could live in him
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Finding Church What if there really is something more? Wayne Jacobsen Вышла новинка от Уэйна Джекобсена автора книги «Он любит меня!» и соавтора книги «Значит, вам уже не хочется ходить в церковь» Джейк Колсен. Первые пять глав книги можно прочитать здесь
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